Company Registration: What’s In a Name?

If you are establishing a company, of course it needs a name! And coming up with the right title for your business can seem a challenge.

But it may help to understand that that there are certain limitations on company names in terms of official company registration rules.

For example, you cannot choose something which an existing company already uses. Check this carefully first.

Equally, unless your business belongs to the same group of companies, you cannot even go for a title which is too similar to another organisation’s.

At the same time, you would be well advised to steer clear of anything which even some people may find offensive.

And you will need to get special permission if your name suggests a link with a government department, a devolved administration or a local council or other specified public body.

Some sensitive or potentially misleading words and expressions also need Companies House approval. That could include, for example, not describing yourself as ‘international’ if you don’t do business outside the UK.

While you can incorporate the company yourself, company formation agents can offer professional advice and ensure that the whole process is done properly and that your fledgling business is in safe hands.

At UK Company Registrations, we’re reputable, highly experienced company formation agents with thousands of satisfied customers every year. Whether you want to reserve a company name for future use, or need an online service for full compliance, check out our website today.